We are a virtually localized, intentionally diverse, socially conscious church providing real life Bible application.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 -- Join us weekly for In-depth illustrative Bible studies designed to foster comprehensive Biblical knowledge and wisdom. If prompted, enter 5555 for password
The purpose of our High Hopes Wellness Ministry is to promote health and healing as part of our overall spiritual condition, and to help our congregation show love for one another and ourselves. We strive to support each other in attaining wellness of our minds, bodies, and spirits through guided Bible studies, uplifting, and prayer.
***To make the most of our virtual meal events, please be prepared to have CAMERAS ON***
Let's be frank, we can't take it for granted that "everybody has somebody." Loneliness may creep in for a number of different reasons. Perhaps you're away from home, away from family, feeling under the weather and not able to get out. Whatever the reason, Mt. Olive would like you to join us for a weekly meal together
Whether you have a full breakfast, lunch, dinner with all the fixings, dessert, or a simple sandwich, let's enjoy together -- food, friends, and good conversation! Let's celebrate!
Have you or someone you know experienced spiritual abuse by the church? This conference will show you how this may have impacted your relationships, self esteem, and even mental health, and help you heal from that trauma. The goal is emotional well being and total freedom!
This conference will also help Christian Leaders acknowledge, identify, and intervene when spiritual abuse is taking place in their local churches.
This series is a compact, yet comprehensive topical faith study covering issues pertinent to mental health issues in the Bible and in our everyday lives.
Join us for Daily Bible Bites, One Minute in the Word, and other featured content as we journey through God's Word!
Visit our YouTube Page for more edifying sermons.
These Bible studies are designed to help us all learn more about and grow closer to Our Savior, Jesus Christ.
“The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”
Mt. Olive was planted by Rev. Jameson L. Teamor in June, 1992. When he retired from ministry, he joined Dr. Teamor's (his daughter) church plant, Mt. Calvary House of Prayer (planted in 2007.) In 2015, When Rev. Teamor went home to glory, the church adopted the name, Mt. Olive. In 2008, we formed Calvary House to aid our Veterans and their families. We've consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of our volunteers, our board, and our amazing church community. We now worship weekly with members in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, East Africa, and Japan. Reverend Teamor would be ecstatic to know about the international reach of the ministry he started!. To God be the Glory!
Ministering on the first and second Saturdays of each month, teaching weekly and Tameion Bible Studies and Hosting "Daily Bible Bites" and the upcoming "Christian Confessions" on our YouTube Channel, and currently organizing the Mt. Olive Multicultural Ministerial Academy
Bishop Dr. D. List Teamor, our Senior Pastor, is a wife, mother, author and founder of Calvary House, a 501c3 established to support US Veterans. Dr. Teamor began teaching Sunday School and Youth Bible Camp at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church when she was only 16 years old, and she has held nearly every position available at Mt. Olive since its inception in 1992 including church secretary, choir director, trustee, assistant pastor, pastor, and now, bishop. She accepted her call to ministry and was licensed there in 2001, then ordained in 2002. Additionally, she planted Mt. Calvary House of Prayer in 2007, where she served as pastor for seven years. She holds a BS in Business Administration, an MBA, a Ph.D. in Business Marketing, and a second Doctorate in Systematic Theology. She started her corporate career at IBM at age 19 and eventually, her experiences crossed the educational, technological, automotive, and real estate industries. She gives all thanks and praise to Jesus Christ for all He has done in her life!
Ministering on fifth Saturdays, leading Thursday afternoon High Hopes Wellness Ministry, and providing individualized counseling and support to stroke survivors
Pastor Damont Goolsby, who suffered a massive stroke at the age of 23 only months after graduating from Morehouse College accepted his call to ministry in December, 2020. After being "written off" by doctors and told that he had "the mind of a two year old," his mother, the late Barbara Ann Goolsby, unwilling to accept that prognosis, began extensive rehabilitation exercises with him, and to say that he has beaten the odds is an understatement. He committed his life to Christ and served on the Usher Board of Hope United Methodist Church in Southfield, MI with his father, the late Ralph Goolsby. In 2015, he was ordained as a Deacon at Mt. Olive MCC. He has also dedicated his life to helping others experience total health and healing as they overcome their own physical and/or mental challenges. Though his loving parents are no longer with him, their spirits will live on as Pastor Damont continues to forge a path of health and healing, all while leading others on their own journey to spiritual, physical, and emotional wholeness!
Ministering on the third Saturday of each month
Pastor Fraser Kennedy was born in Scotland, UK and brought up in church. He began attending Sunday school at a young age and continued his religious journey. While attending college, he attended Billy Graham's crusade and during alter call, he went forward and made his commitment to Christ. In this born again experience, he started a new life in Jesus! From that time to the present, he has been involved in such areas as preaching, ushering , holding house groups, church administration, ecclesial sound and media. His focus is on discipleship that empowers other people.
Pastor Fraser has spent the last five years learning to be a good witness for Christ both in secular and Christian environments. With an inquisitive mind and in studying theology, he is constantly reading the scriptures to learn, develop and engage with God, and impart this to society.
From the Christian life, he has learned new skills such as preaching structure, structuring content to match the audience, prophetic word and interpreting the Word to edify others, growing the local church, and presenting the gospel to the world.
Ministering on the fourth Saturday of each month and leading weekly Communion Service
Pastor Isaac Jay Hurte is a native of Massachusetts. He has served as an usher and in the children’s ministry.
He accepted his call to ministry in March of 2024.
He holds a BS in Liberal Arts and MS in Human Resource Management.
He is a U.S. Army Disabled Veteran with over 20 years of service. He has a passion to serve veterans and to provide companionship to those in hospice care.
His desire is to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9 :7
To submit tithes and offerings on CashApp, please click the button below or use the app on your mobile device and enter $calvaryhouse
The mission of Calvary House is to provide support to formerly deployed military men and women as they re-enter the community, as well as the families of deployed and returning soldiers by providing services that are consistently available, accessible, and responsive to the needs of individual service members, families, and groups seeking assistance. We will work within the community to contribute, facilitate, and promote awareness of the needs of our men and women in the armed services to the enrichment of all; and to provide high-quality, compassionate and comprehensive services to as many military personnel and their families as possible.